Friday 12 February 2010

Worth $6.9Bn of the total fashion market, but still I am asked, just what is the point in a handbag?

I wonder just how many of us have been asked by a member of the male species as to why we need another hand bag? Well, after being asked this for the millionth time the other day, I realised I really needed to think up a smart answer that will leave him wishing he had never bothered asking. After a lot of pondering, the conclusion I came to is that we DON’T need hand bags at all. I mean, a large per cent of the male population survive perfectly well without them, whats to say we can’t fill all our pockets with our many essentials? Despite this, however, I really think Id rather not stand in front of the mirror in the Ladies’ desperately fishing my through pockets when I need an eyeliner top up. And what about when I'm wearing jeggings and a pocket less jacket? Am I expected to pop my Oyster card down my bra cup and my BlackBerry in my shoe?

Aside from the practical side of carrying around a handbag, I, like every girl I know, just want that place that is all mine and only mine, in which to place the things I love (and need) the most when I’m out and about. The handbag, for centuries, has been seen as a woman’s companion, travelling everywhere with her, and serving (almost) her every need. How many times a day do we dig into our handbag to retrieve something we need?

And finally, the handbag is a work of art, as well as an object of practically, (Much like a car, which most guys I know would own several of given half the chance, despite not being able to use more than one at once.) and I like carrying my things around in something that’s been designed and lovingly thought out by someone who wants me to enjoy it as I consume it. Which I do, and the pleasure I get out of choosing and buying and using my arm candy (the leather version, that is!) is more than enough to make me purchase another one in the future.

Another question I get asked a lot by guys is what do I carry in my hand bag? Well, it does vary as my needs change daily depending on where I am off to, but here's a little taster as to whats in my bag right at this second.

Today I am carrying my vintage Mulberry Bretton bag, which currently contains:

My beloved Juicy Couture purse – I know what your thinking – I’m not the typical Juicy Couture girl BUT it has room for all my cards and it has a mirror on the inside so I can discreetly check my appearance in public.
My union jack umbrella – those of you who know me know I am very patriotic and this umbrella allows me to show my patriotism whenever there’s a downpour.
Notebook – an essential for uni notes, work shifts, contact numbers, important dates – carrying around a notebook is serious stuff when you have a busy lifestyle – trust me!
Anti-bacterial hand gel – Call me a clean freak (believe me I have been called worse for this) but I do not want to eat my mid-morning Mini Cheddars with the same fingers that touched that pole on the underground that was also touched by the homeless guy, the guy who probably hasn’t showered in 2 days, the woman who cleaned out her cats litter tray before dashing for the tube… I could go on but I think you get my point here.
My keys – surprisingly so I can get back into my flat.
Pen – Well whats the point in carrying around a notebook with no pen?
Pink highlighter – to brighten up those all important notes and also to make my page look pretty :)
Mini Cheddars – yes, really.
Essential make-up – for a quick mid day top up.
Nail file – Because 99% of the times I break a nail, I’m out and the bugger drives me mad and makes me snag my tights if I don’t file it down straight away.
Oyster card – a Londoners’ must have. I find it slightly creepy how TFL can track everywhere you’ve travelled though. I can just imagine them sitting in an office saying – Yep, touched out at Bond Street – she must have uni today. When she gets off at Marble Arch that means she has work, and sometimes she touches out at Kings Cross and doesn’t use her Oyster for a few days – wonder where she goes? Eurgh, actually I really hope that doesn’t happen!!
Vaseline - Just because I hate it when the winter weather makes your lips all sore and chapped! :(
TicTacs - Everyone needs one at some point - not a Tic, not a Tac, but the whole damn pack!
Small pack of tissues – Because, boys, you NEVER have them on you and I hate the sound of your constant sniffling when the cold wind has made your nose run!

So there it is – a few personal secrets I have spilled out for all mankind.


  1. great first blog! i am glad u took my advice :P

  2. Aw thanks, sweetie!! When do I not take your advice, you are my God :) x
